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Managing Menus (X-Cart 5.5.x)
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 9 months ago

Your site menus can be managed via the Menus & Pages page of your store's Admin area (Store Design -> Menus & Pages). Here you can find separate tabs for the management of your Primary menu and your Footer menu.

Primary Menu tab

Footer Menu tab

You will find that each of the menus consists of a list of predefined menu items.

For example, the Primary menu by default provides links to the pages Home, Hot Deals, Brands, Shipping, New!, Coming Soon, My Account, Contact us, and (in Multivendor) Become a seller.

The principles of management of menu items via the Primary Menu and Footer Menu tabs are fully identical. It is possible to:

For the management of items in the Primary and Footer menus, you will require the add-on Simple CMS. Before you proceed, make sure this add-on is installed and enabled. If not, install and activate it.

Adding New Menu Items

To add a new item to any of your store’s site menus (Primary or Footer):

1. Go to the Menus & Pages page of your store's Admin area (Store Design -> Menus & Pages). Depending on the menu to which you want to add a new item, select the tab you require: Primary Menu or Footer Menu.

For example, we want to add a new menu item to the Primary menu, so we choose the Primary Menu tab.

2. Click the New item button.

A new blank line appears.

3. Use the blank line to provide information about the properties of the menu item that you want to add to the menu:

  • Item name: Name of the menu item as it will be displayed to users.

  • Link: The page to which the menu item will redirect the user. This field is not required; for example, if you know your item is going to have a submenu, you may choose not to specify a page link for it.

    To specify a page link for your menu item, use one of the following methods:

    • Select the store page you require using the drop-down selector or use the search feature to find it.

    • Copy and paste a relative path to the page (e.g. cart.php?target=checkout)

    • Copy and paste an absolute path to the page (e.g. https://<your_store_url>/cart.php?target=checkout).

    • Specify the page using a page name value (a special code that looks like a page name surrounded with curly brackets; can be used to link to the page without specifying its relative or absolute path).

    The list of page name values currently supported by X-Cart is as follows:

    • {home},

    • {new arrivals},

    • {coming soon},

    • {sale},

    • {bestsellers},

    • {my account},

    • {contact us},

    • {auction},

    • {loyalty program},

    • {special offers},

    • {brands},

    • {gift card}.

    If you need to specify a link to an external resource, you must use the HTTP:// or HTTPS:// prefix. For example, to add a link to, you will need to enter the link as

  • Visible for: Specify the user access level for which the menu item should be visible. Select from the options available in the drop-down:

    • Any visitors

    • Anonymous users only

    • Logged in users only

4. Click Save changes.

The menu item will be added.

You should now be able to see it on the storefront.

Once a new menu item has been added, you can readjust its position on the menu, temporarily disable it, edit its properties, delete it or add a drop-down submenu for it.

Changing the Order of Menu Items

You have full control of the order in which menu items should be displayed on the menu navigation panel. This order is determined based on the order of the items on the respective menu tab on the Menus & Pages page of the Admin area. You can use the four-headed arrow control elements to rearrange the order at any time by dragging and dropping the items to their new positions.

After readjusting the order of your menu items, be sure to click the Save changes button to submit your changes.

Enabling/Disabling Menu Items

Only enabled menu items are displayed on the site menus. For each of the menus (Primary menu and Footer menu), you can control which menu items need to be visible on the menu navigation panel. To specify whether a specific item should be visible, use the On/Off switch element before its name (Green = enabled, grey = disabled).

After readjusting the On/Off status of any items in a menu, be sure to click the Save changes button to submit your changes.

Editing Menu Item Properties

You can make changes to previously added menu items by readjusting their editable properties.

To adjust a property value for a menu item:

  1. Hover your cursor over the line with the menu item you want to change. The editable properties of the menu item will be highlighted.

  2. Click anywhere within the field that needs to be edited. The field contents will become editable.

  3. Replace the existing field value with a new one.

  4. Click Save changes.

The menu item properties will be updated.

Editing Submenus

Submenus are menus of a drop-down level from a main menu item. Submenus are maintained absolutely the same as menus of the upper level. To check whether an item in the main menu has any submenu items, check the Submenu column of a menu listing page:

For each item, the Submenu column can contain one of the two possible values:

  • Add: This means that there are no "drop-down level" menu items for the menu. You can add such items by clicking on the Add link.

  • N items: This means that the menu item has a submenu with “N” menu items of the drop-down level (N refers to the actual number of items). You can click the N items link to view and edit the submenu items.

To add a submenu item:

  1. Click on the Add link in the Submenu column of the main menu.

    This opens a new menu listing page one level down.

  2. On the page that opens, click New item:

    This provides you with a blank new line where you can specify the properties of the menu item you are adding.

  3. Specify the menu item properties the same way as described in Adding New Menu Items.

  4. Click Save changes.

The item will be added.

To edit an existing submenu:

  1. Click on the N items link.

    This opens a submenu listing page one level down.

  2. Edit the submenu items the same way as described in Editing Menu Item Properties.

  3. Click Save changes.

The submenu item properties will be updated.

Deleting Menu Items

You can use deletion to permanently remove items from your site menus.

To delete a menu item:

  1. Locate the menu item you want to delete and click on the Trash icon opposite it.

    The item will be marked for deletion.

  2. Click Save changes.

The item will be deleted.

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