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Configuring the Import Schedule for Keystone
Configuring the Import Schedule for Keystone
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over a week ago

You can set a schedule for Keystone imports on the Data Import tab of the Keystone integration page.

To configure your import schedule for Keystone, click the Import schedule button at the bottom of the screen.

A drop-down menu will be expanded, providing access to button actions.

The button actions can pertain to all the brands on the list (Schedule all / Unschedule all) - this happens if no specific brands are selected.

Or they can pertain to the selected brands only (Schedule selected / Unschedule selected).

To configure a general import schedule that will apply to all brands, use the Schedule all action option.

To configure an import schedule just for certain specific brands, select those brands on the list and use the Schedule selected action option.

To delete a previously configured import schedule for all brands, select Unschedule all.

To delete a previously configured import schedule for specific brands, select those brands on the list and use the Unschedule selected action option.

The configuration of import schedule rules takes place in a popup:

You need to adjust the import schedule settings and click Save Changes.

Import schedule settings

X-Cart's Keystone integration supports three types of imports to update catalog data imported from Keystone:

  • Import of prices;

  • Import of stock information;

  • Import of catalog data (This includes all types of data whose import is enabled according to the settings in the Import Options section.)

Since it is recommended that prices and stock info be imported more frequently than the rest of the catalog data, you can configure separate schedules for price imports, stock data imports, and catalog data imports.

Let us take a closer look at the settings.

  • Update price: This setting applies to price imports. Set the switch to the "ON" position to enable automatic price updates. The following options are available:

    • Disabled: Import of prices separately from catalog data will not be performed.

    • Hourly: Prices will be imported every hour. If this option is selected, you will need to set the starting time for price imports.

      Time format: [ mm ] (minutes)

      If the schedule is set as "[ Hourly ], at [ 00 ]", the update will run at the beginning of each hour.

    • Daily: Prices will be imported every 24 hours. If this option is selected, you will need to set the starting time for price imports.

      Time format: [ HH:mm ] (hours and minutes).

      If the schedule is set as "[ Daily ], at [ 00:00 ]", the update will run every 24 hours at midnight.

  • Update stock: This setting applies to stock data imports. Set the switch to the "ON" position to enable automatic stock updates. The following options are available:

    • Disabled: Import of stock data separately from catalog data will not be performed.

    • Hourly: Prices will be imported every hour. If this option is selected, you will need to set the starting time for price imports.

      Time format: [ mm ] (minutes)

      If the schedule is set as "[ Hourly ], at [ 00 ]", the update will run at the beginning of each hour.

    • Daily: Prices will be imported every 24 hours. If this option is selected, you will need to set the starting time for price imports.

      Time format: [ HH:mm ] (hours and minutes).

      If the schedule is set as "[ Daily ], at [ 00:00 ]", the update will run every 24 hours at midnight.

  • Import schedule: This is the setting to adjust the catalog import schedule.

    Set the switch to the "ON" position if you want the brand's catalog data imported automatically.

    This will expand an additional section where you will be able to configure your preferred import schedule for the brand.

    Here you can set the date and time when the import should be performed. If you want catalog data for the brand imported periodically, also select the "Repeat every" box option. This will allow you to set the schedule.

    For example, setting the import schedule like in the screenshot above will result in catalog data imports performed every day (once every 24 hours) starting on June 18, 2024 at 21:00. The imports will continue infinitely on this schedule until you choose to change the schedule settings.

    If you do not wish to use automated import and wish to be able to start the import process manually, keep the "Import schedule" switch in the "OFF" position.

After making any changes to the brand import settings, be sure to save your changes using the Save changes button at the bottom of the screen.

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