Every order in your online store has a payment transaction status that provides information about the current state of the payment in the cart processing workflow.
A payment transaction is not a bank transaction in its actual meaning. A payment transaction is created when a customer intends to place an order using both offline and online payment methods. The difference is in order.
For offline payments, your online store creates an order with a Pending transaction status when a customer clicks the Place Order button.
For online payments, your online store registers an order with a Success payment transaction status in case of a successful payment. In case of a failed payment, your online store does NOT create the order but registers a transaction with a Failed status. A cart is not frozen when the payment fails, and a customer can update it further. If you want to freeze the cart at the moment of a failed transaction, please, use the Not Finished Orders add-on.
By default, X-Cart uses the following payment transaction statuses:
In progress: The cart payment has been initiated by a customer (a customer clicked the Place Order button and started submitting cc data info).
Success: The order is successfully paid. Money has been transferred.
Pending: The order payment is under consideration. (Used by default for offline payment methods).
Failed: An attempt to authorize or charge the customer’s card has failed. Failure is generally due to technical or temporary reasons.
Each failed transaction has a Details note that clarifies the cause of the failure.
Canceled: The order is canceled by a merchant. The payment is refunded to a customer in full.
Void: A credit card purchase that a merchant cancels after being authorized but before it has been settled. A void transaction does not appear on the customer’s credit card statement, though it might appear in a list of pending transactions when the customer checks their account online.
A cart administrator can find the info on the payment transaction statuses on the Payment Transaction page of the store Admin area (Orders -> Payment Transactions).
The page supports orders search based on a payment transaction status and order number, date, and public id.
The information that displays for a transaction on the transaction listing page is as follows:
Public ID: A unique alphanumeric identifier of a transaction generated by a bank. When searching for a particular payment or issuing a refund, you need the transaction ID. You can also use it to authenticate the cardholder before reporting the data about the expenses of a particular customer.
Order: The order number a payment transaction refers to.
Customer: The name of a customer who made a transaction.
Date: The date and time of a transaction.
Method name: A payment method used to place an order in your store.
Type: The type of transaction.
Status: The status of a payment associated with each transaction, which tells you where in the process the transaction is currently.
Value: The amount of money involved in a transaction.
You can sort transactions for display in the table by public ID, order, date, type, status, and value. Click the column heading to change the order hierarchically.
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