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Not Finished Orders

Learn how to enable not finished orders processing in your store.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

Your online store clears the cart contents in the storefront after a buyer clicks the Place Order button and completes the payment process with a payment gateway.

At the moment of payment, the cart contents transform to an order registered in the store's Admin area.

However, it may turn out that buyers do not complete checkout for some reason (changes their mind, something distracts them from completing the payment, a computer crash occurs, etc.). In this case, the store's Admin area does not register orders by default. If you want to have such "not finished" purchases registered, it is necessary to use the Not Finished Orders add-on.

Follow the guidelines provided in Installing Add-ons from X-Cart App Store to install the add-on.

The Not Finished Orders add-on works with the orders created with online payment processors.

For the offline payment methods, an order is created when a buyer clicks the "Place Order" button in the X-Cart storefront, and the order gets the "Awaiting payment" status by default.

Open the Not Finished Orders add-on settings page to configure it.

  • Not finished order will be created: Choose the conditions that, if met, will result in a not-finished order creation.

  • Clear cart if administrator changes order: Enable if you need to have a customer's cart in the storefront cleared once the store administrator changes the corresponding order in the Admin area.

    If this option is enabled, X-Cart will clear a buyer's cart with a not finished order as soon as the store administrator changes the order details, e.g., from "Status is not defined" to "Awaiting payment" for a payment status of the not finished order. By default, the cart content is cleared only when an order is placed.

  • Limit lifetime of not finished order: If enabled, the store administrator can define the time to use the cart in its current state for future attempts in days.

  • Time to use the order for future attempts (days): Set the time in days for which a not-finished order will be saved in the storefront for a customer with a possibility to complete it later. Zero (0) means that every failed try will be recorded as an individual not finished order, and a customer can not use this data in the subsequent attempts.

Once enabled and set up, the store administrator will see the not-finished orders in the Orders section of the Admin area.


A not finished order won't have an order number and will have the "Status is not defined" payment status. The order will only get an orderID when the store administrator changes the order's fulfillment and payment statuses.

The Not Finished Orders add-on is suitable for manual tracking of purchases. If you want to automate the procedure, use the Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on. It works with any abandoned cart regardless of the payment method.

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