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Managing Digital Products

Learn how to manage products with downloadable file attachments.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

A store admin can manage file attachments associated with a digital product via the "Attachments" tab of the related product details page.

On this tab, a store admin can:

  • Add more than one attachment for a single product using the "Add file" button.

  • Change the title and description of your attachment by clicking anywhere within the respective fields. They will become editable.

  • Change the attachment file (or the file's location), using the […] icon to access the respective menu.

  • Delete the attachment using the "Trash" icon.

  • Use the "Download" ("down arrow") icon to download the attachment file.

  • Use the "Free/Paid" toggle to specify whether the attachment file should be available to anyone who wants to access it or only to the product buyers who have paid for their order.

    Note that for the files with the "Paid" access, you can set the number of downloads and the number of days the buyer should access them. However, you will do it not on a per-attachment basis but globally for your entire stock of products with paid attachments via the settings "Download link TTL (days)" and "Downloads limit (per 1 ordered item)" when configuring the E-goods add-on.
    Should you need to prolong access to an attachment for a specific customer, you can do it on the "E-goods" tab of an order's "Order details" page. See E-goods Order Processing Routine.


  • Use the "Membership" dropdown to specify the membership-based group of customers who should access the file.

  • Drag-n-drop attachments to change the order in which they display on the page.

Be sure to click "Save changes" to make the attachment details changes active.

If, according to the "E-goods" add-on settings, you have chosen to keep a history of attachment downloads, you can view the records via the "History of downloads" section of the "Attachments" tab in product details:

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