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Wholesale Prices Setup

Learn how to configure wholesale prices for a product.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

A store admin can configure wholesale prices for the store as a whole (the "all customers" level) and a particular customer membership level. When assigning wholesale prices for memberships, make sure you have defined the relative memberships accordingly.

To configure wholesale prices:

  1. In your store's Admin area, find the product for which you want to set or modify wholesale prices and open its details.

  2. Switch to the Wholesale Pricing tab of the product details page.

  3. Add the wholesale pricing tiers you require. Then, for each new tier, complete the following steps:

    • First, click the New tier button:

      A new blank line to the wholesale pricing table will appear:

      The line for Tier-1 is generated automatically based on the product details info and is not editable.
      โ€‹For example, the "Minimum purchase quantity" changes do not display in the Tier-1 line in your store Admin Area. However, they do display in the wholesale prices table on the product details page on the storefront, provided wholesale prices have been configured for the product.

    • On the line that has appeared, provide information about the new wholesale pricing tier:

      • Specify the number of product units starting from which the price of this tier should become available.

      • Specify the tier price - as a fixed value or as a percentage of the unprivileged Tier-1 price (Quantity range = "from 1", Membership = "All customers").

      • Specify the membership level that should provide customers access to the tier price.

    • Click Save changes. The new tier is added to the table:

The product details page in the storefront with the configured wholesale prices for a product will look as follows:

  • Default minimum product quantity

  • Altered minimum product quantity

If you need to assign wholesale prices to product variants, see Wholesale Prices for Product Variants.

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