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Product Data Included in the Feed

An overview of the fields included in the Google product feed file.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over 9 months ago

Google describes the different information about your products in attributes, which allow customers to search for and find your items. Products are then joined into product groups based on the attribute values that are a way to organize the Google Merchant Center product inventory in a Shopping campaign within Google Ads.

Google product feed is formed based on google product attributes, both required and optional. A feed is a file that contains all the information about the products you sell.

The default list of google product attributes that your online store includes in the feed file for a product is as follows:

google product attribute

X-Cart field value


An SKU field value for products or a variant_ID field value for variants.


A product's landing page.


A product's Product name field value.


A product's Full description field value, with tags removed and trimmed to 5000 characters.


A product's Price field value.


Possible field values:

  • in stock;

  • out of stock;

  • preorder.


A product's Arrival date field value (if defined).


Possible field values:

  • new (default for all products);

  • used;

  • refurbished.

To add additional values, enable the condition attribute in webroot/etc/config.php and assign values to it through Google shopping groups.


The field value is empty by default.
If the System Fields add-on is installed and enabled, the field value is the product's UPC/ISBN field value.


The field value is empty by default.
If the System Fields add-on is installed and enabled, the field value is the product's Mnf#/Vendor# field value.


A product's Category field value.


If the Requires shipping field is set to OFF for a product, the field value submitted to the feed is 0.00 USD.
If the Free shipping add-on is enabled, the value is 0.00 USD for the Free shipping option enabled and the Shipping freight field value if it's defined for a product.
The value is not submitted to feed if the Requires shipping field is set to ON for a product.


A product's Shipping weight field value.


A product's Shipping length field value.


A product's Shipping width field value.


A product's Shipping height field value.


A product's image or variant's image (if defined).


Additional product images (if defined).


The field value is false by default for all products.


A product's Sale price field value (if defined).
Only if the Sale add-on is installed and enabled.


A variant id value for product variants.
The attribute is included in the feed only if all X-Cart product variant attributes are assigned to respective shopping groups through Google shopping groups. If the variant attributes are not set through Google shopping groups, variants are submitted to the feed as separate products. Such variants gain a title with a suffix, containing the variant attribute option values as string.

* The shipping_length, shipping_width, and shipping height fields values will be submitted to the feed only if all of them are defined for a product. If at least one of the field values is missing, X-Cart will not submit the shipping dimensions to the feed.

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