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Square POS & Payments Add-on Setup

Learn how to configure the Square POS & Payments add-on settings.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago


  1. Make sure the add-on Square POS & Payments is installed and enabled in your X-Cart store.

  2. Make sure you have completed the Square account setup.

Keeping the Square app details open in one of your browser tabs, you can log in to your X-Cart store Admin area in another browser tab and proceed to configure Square add-on settings in your X-Cart store.

The payment configuration consists of the following steps:

Square Operation Mode Setup

The application mode setup defines how you will use the payment method. The "Square POS & Payment" add-on allows you to select between the sandbox (test) and production (live) modes.

To start the Square payment configuration in your online store, open the Square add-on settings page. For this purpose, on the "Payment Methods" page of your store's Admin area, use the Configure button under the payment name.

In the "General Configuration" tab of the Square add-on settings page, select the application mode you require (must be the same as has been set for your Square application) and provide your connection credentials.


Sandbox application mode is used to test the Square payment configuration.

  1. Set the Application Mode setting value to Sandbox.

    NOTE: Make sure your Square Developer Dashboard is set to Sandbox mode as well.

  2. Complete the following fields with the information from your Square Developer Dashboard:

    • Sandbox Application ID: Locate the Sandbox Application ID value on the Square Developer -> Credentials page, copy and paste it here.

    • Sandbox Access Token: Locate the Sandbox Access Token value on the Square Developer -> Credentials page, copy and paste it here.

    • Sandbox Location ID: Locate the Sandbox Location ID value on the Square Developer -> Locations page, copy and paste it here.

  3. Click Submit to save the settings.


Production application mode is used to accept actual payments in a live store.


  1. Set the Application Mode setting value to Production.

    NOTE: Make sure your Square Developer Dashboard is set to Production mode as well.

  2. Complete the following fields with the information from your Square Developer Dashboard:

    • Application ID: Locate the Application ID value on the Square Developer -> Credentials page, copy and paste it here.

    • Application Secret: Locate the "Application Secret" value on the Square Developer -> OAuth page, copy and paste it here.

  3. Configure POS settings if applicable. See details here.

  4. Click Submit to save the settings.

After you submitted the production settings, three new tabs become available for configuration:

  • OAuth Configuration

  • Locations Configuration

  • POS Synchronization

POS Setup

WARNING: Processing POS payments is possible in the Production operation mode only.

If you need to synchronize the store products catalog with the Square items catalog, switch ON the "Enable POS synchronization" toggle in the General Configuration tab of the "Square" Add-on Settings page. It opens two extra settings that you can configure.

  • POS synchronization type: Select the way your product catalog should be synchronized with Square.

    NOTE: This setting only defines the type of synchronization but does not perform the synchronization itself.

    You can select from 3 possible types of synchronization:

    • one-way data synchronization (X-Cart data will overwrite any existing Square POS data);

    • complementary synchronization (X-Cart data will be added to the current Square POS data);

    • two-way synchronization (new data will be added to X-Cart and Square, preserving existing data as-is).

      Data synchronization includes:
      X-Cart to Square
      - product data (name, SKU, price, quantity in stock, 1st image, selector-based attributes with price modifications, product variants with SKU, prices, and quantity in stock)
      - category data (multilevel category tree transforms into one-level)
      - discounts
      - coupons
      Square to X-Cart
      - category data (as a first-level category)
      - product data (name, SKU, price, quantity in stock, 1st image, selector-based attributes with price modifications, product variants with SKU, prices, and quantity in stock)

  • Use frequent data POS synchronization: Enable this option if you want the data to be synchronized after every customer action on the site. If the option is disabled, data synchronization will be performed once a day. Data synchronization requires a cron job configured on the server.

    NOTE: If this option is enabled, the store may operate somewhat slower, but the synchronization of the POS state with the store will be faster and more accurate.

OAuth and Locations Configuration

After you submit the "General Configuration" settings (see Square Operation Mode Setup), you need to set up the "OAuth Configuration" and "Locations Configuration" that become available in the respective tabs.

OAuth Configuration

Open the OAuth configuration tab of the "Square" Add-on Settings page:

Copy the URL from this tab using the "Copy" button and paste it into the "Redirect URL" field on the Square Developer -> OAuth page; be sure to save your changes there by clicking Save.

Then, back on the "OAuth Configuration" tab of the "Square" Add-on Settings page in your store's Admin area, click on the "Get OAuth Token" button. You will be redirected to Square for authorization.

You will need to login to Square using your login and password and, provided that you have passed the authorization successfully, give your app the permissions it requires (Click Allow).


You will then be redirected to the "Locations Configuration" tab of the Square Add-on Settings page in your store's Admin area.

Locations Configuration

When redirected to the "Locations Configuration" tab, adjust the "Square Location for Online Payments" setting by selecting the appropriate value from the drop-down box.

NOTE: The location value in the drop-down box is passed to X-Cart from your Square app during the "OAuth configuration" step.

A SquarePOS account can have multiple locations linked.

Click Submit to save the settings.

NOTE: Later on, you can use the "Synchronize Square locations" button to synchronize the location data in your Square app and your X-Cart store if required.

Enabling Square POS

To activate the payment method, switch it ON either on the Square Add-on Settings page ("General configuration" tab) or in the list of online payment methods in the Store Setup -> Payment Methods section of your store's Admin area.

  • Square Settings Page

  • Payment Methods Page

Once enabled, the Square payment method will become available to your customers at checkout. With Square Payments, your customers will be able to specify their credit card info directly on your X-Cart checkout page. This data will be securely transmitted to Square via a token.


POS Synchronization

If you set up to use Square payment with the POS option enabled, you need to synchronize your online store catalog with the Square catalog (if you already have it).

You can perform the catalog synchronization in the "POS Synchronization" tab of the Square Add-on Settings page.

To start data synchronization, click the "Update catalog" button. Then, X-Cart will submit the data to Square according to the synchronization type specified during the POS mode setup.

You can also select whether to synchronize all the data or only the different ones. Data synchronization may take a while and may not complete in full from the first time.

If this is your case, select the "Only sync data that hasn't been synced previously" mode and start the catalog update again.

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