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Installing Store Design Themes (X-Cart 5.5.x)
Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 10 months ago

X-Cart offers a good choice of design themes that you can install and use for your X-Cart store site.

In this section:

Choosing a Store Design Theme

You can find design themes for your store in the Templates section of X-Cart App Store, also known as X-Cart's Template Store.

You can go to the Template Store using the link, or you can access it with a few clicks from your store's Admin area.

To access the Template Store from X-Cart Admin area:

  1. In the sidebar admin menu, select Store Design, then Themes.

    A page titled 'Themes' opens.

  2. On the Themes page, click on the 'Visit the template store' link.

    This gets you to the Templates section of X-Cart App Store website.

    You can use the filtering options in the sidebar on the left-hand side of the page to help you find the design theme that best suits your business needs. For example, some of X-Cart store design themes are "Paid" (i.e. need to be purchased), others are "Free" (i.e. can be installed and used without any payment). There may also be some themes on sale ("Sale"). You can use the filter to find any of those types. It is also possible to filter the themes by X-Cart version compatibility and by category (Apparel & Clothing, Art and Photography, Books, Business, etc.)

    To purchase a paid theme, simply add it to the shopping cart and head to our secure checkout. After you complete the payment process, you will be provided with a license key code to install the theme in your store. See the section Activating a License Key for a Purchased Store Design Theme below.

    To get a free theme, no license code is necessary. A free theme can be installed like any free add-on.

Activating a License Key for a Purchased Store Design Theme

After purchasing a paid store design theme, you get a license key code that needs to be activated to install the design theme in your store. You can activate it as follows:

  1. Have the license key code for your purchased paid design theme at the ready so you can copy and paste it when required.

  2. In your X-Cart store's Admin area, use one of the Activate buttons to access the form for license key code entry. Technically, a design theme is an add-on, so you can use the button on the My Apps page.

    Alternatively, there is a button for that on the Themes page:

  3. Submit your store design theme license key code using the popup form that will be provided to you. Note that this cannot be done on an X-Cart trial install: to activate a paid store design theme, you need to be using a licensed X-Cart version.

Provided that the submitted license key code is valid, X-Cart will download the design theme and install it. Your store will be re-deployed. Once the process has been completed, you should see a success screen.

Now your new theme is installed but is not yet active. To enable it in your store, you will need to replace your current theme with it. See Changing Your Store Design Theme (X-Cart 5.5.x) for details.

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