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Product Variants Setup

Learn how to configure the variants' price representation in the storefront.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

To install the "Product Variants" add-on, follow the general guidelines from Installing Add-ons from X-Cart App Store.

To configure the add-on, follow the settings link that becomes available after installation.

The add-on settings page allows configuring the variants price display mode. You can select between a price range or a single value based on the default variant price.

To configure how a product price displays in the storefront:

  1. Open the "Product Variants Add-on Settings" page from X-Cart App Store. It will look as follows:

  2. Set the preferred value of the "How to show variant prices in product lists" option.
    Your options are as follows:

    • Default variant price (default value): If you choose this option, the price of products with variants will display based on the default variant price.

    • Price range: If you choose this value, the price of products with variants will display as a price range from min to max variant price.



      If you choose to switch to the "Price range" option, the first time you do so, be sure to run a recalculation of quick data (System tools -> Cache management -> Calculate quick data). You need to do it either before or after the switch. Without the recalculation, some features may not work correctly.

  3. Click Submit to make the settings active.

Now you can. proceed to configure variants for products.

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