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Front Page Setup (X-Cart 5.5.x)

Learn how to configure your online store homepage.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 9 months ago

One of the first things you may want to complete while setting up your new X-Cart store is to adjust your store's front page (storefront Home page).

To manage pages, your X-Cart store requires the add-on Simple CMS. Make sure it is enabled.

To edit the content and settings of the front page:

  1. In your store's Admin area, go to the Menus & Pages page (Store Design > Menus & Pages). In the list of pages on the Catalog Pages tab, find the link that says "Front page" and click on it.

    You will be redirected to the page to manage your store's front page settings and content.

  2. Adjust the page settings and content as you require by setting the following fields:

    • Show category title: Your store's front page represents the root category of your product catalog. Use this setting to specify whether to display the name of this category in the content area of the front page or not (Show = Category name will be shown; Hide = Category name will not be shown). The name itself can be specified using the field "Category name" below. Please note that this setting may not be supported by the design theme used in your store. For example, in Crisp White and other X-Cart design themes based on Crisp White, the Category name field value will not be displayed on the front page regardless of the "Show category title" setting state. In stores using a design theme that supports this setting (for example, Standard), adjusting the setting "Show category title" to Show will result in displaying the Category name on the front page:

    • Category name: Specify the name of the root category of your store's catalog. Depending on the design theme used by your store and how the setting "Show category title" (see above) is adjusted, this name may be shown in your store's catalog.

    • Description: Use this field to add a welcome message /a page description to be displayed on the front page. By default, this field contains a dummy welcome message ("Welcome to X-Cart Demo Store!"); you can replace it with any text you require. If you do not want to provide any description or welcome message on the front page, remove the dummy welcome message text leaving the "Description" field blank.

    • Root category listings format: Specify how you want category links to be displayed on the front page. The available options are as follows:




    • Category page title: Specify the front page title - for SEO purposes. The contents of this field will be used in the <title> tag on the front page. The title will be used in search engines (it will be displayed in search results and may affect the page ranking). It will also be shown in the browser title bar when someone opens the front page in a web browser. Also, when someone chooses to bookmark your store's front page, the title will be used to identify the page in the list of bookmarks in their browser. If you leave this field to "Default" or blank, the Category name value (as specified above) will be used as the page title.

    • Meta keywords: Add keywords relevant to your front page content - for SEO purposes. Your online store will use these words/phrases for the META keywords tag of the page. Providing META keywords may increase your store's rankings based on relevance.

    • Meta description: Provide a brief description of the front page content - for SEO purposes. Your online store will use this description in the description META tag on the front page. A META description is intended for search engines that may use it to display the page in search results. You may choose to use an autogenerated META description or to provide a custom one.

    • Open Graph meta tags: Add Open Graph meta tags for the front page. These tags will affect how the page content will look if shared on Facebook. You may choose to use autogenerated Open Graph meta tags or to provide custom ones.

    3. Click Update to save the changes.

    If you are using the AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages add-on, after updating any settings or content for the front page, use the Update Google AMP cache button at the bottom of the page to update the front page information in the Google AMP cache.

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