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Creating New Product Classes from Product Details
Creating New Product Classes from Product Details

A way to create a new product class directly on the product details page in case of no required option during a product class assignment.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

This guide is a continuation of the Assigning Products to Product Classes article.

It may turn so that there is no required product class at the stage where it's necessary to assign a product to a product class. In such a case, a store admin can create a new product class using the tools of the Attributes tab of the product details page and assign this new class to the product.

For this purpose:

  1. On the "Attributes -> Global" tab of a product details page, locate the "Product class" section and click the "Change" button.


    The product in question can either have no product class or any product class assigned that you need to change for a new one.

  2. Choose the "New product class" option in the drop-down.


  3. Type in the name of a new product class in the field next to the "New product class" option.


  4. Click "Save changes" to assign the newly created product class to the product.


That's it! You've created a new product class and assigned it to a product at the same time:


Be warned that the newly created product class does NOT have any product class attributes configured for it. So you must proceed with adding attributes to this product class to make it work. You can add product class attributes on the same page the product class was created and apply them globally and on a per-product basis.

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