When creating a new product, you need to specify product details via the form fields of the product details page.
NOTE: The basic set of fields on this page depends on the X-Cart edition you are using, and the add-ons enabled.
If you do not see some of the fields described below in your online store's Admin area, the add-on that enables this field is not installed or active. To see the add-ons that work in your store and, if necessary, to activate more add-ons, you can check the My Apps page in your store Admin area.
See Managing Add-ons for more information.
Generally, all product properties on the product details page are divided into the following groups:
General Info
Vendor (X-Cart Marketplace): Company name of the vendor who owns the product.
Product name: The name by which you and your customers will identify this product.
SKU: The product SKU (A code that will serve as a unique identifier for this product). If you leave this field blank, an SKU will automatically be generated when you save the product.
Images: Use this field to add images for the product.
NOTE: X-Cart does not impose strict limitations regarding the size of product images. In addition, it can automatically resize and crop images for the best appearance on various store pages.
For example, X-Cart will use the original image uploaded here to create different-sized images for the product details page, the product list page in the list view, and the product list page in the grid view. You can set the dimensions to which the original image will be resized and cropped on the Images Settings page of your store's Admin area (Design > Images Settings). These dimensions may differ depending on the skin used by your store and can be changed manually if required.
See Managing Images for more details.Category: Use this field to specify the category (or categories) to which this product belongs.
Description: Use this field to specify a short product description that displays on product list pages.
Full description: Use this field to specify a longer product description that displays on the product details page.
Allow buyers to attach files to this product: Use this toggle to enable order file attachments for customers. See more information about file attachments here.
Tags: Use this field to assign tags defined via the Product Tags page (Catalog > Classes & Attributes > Product Tabs) to the current product. Read about product tags here.
Available for sale: This toggle defines whether the product is displayed on the storefront. Disable it to temporarily remove the product from the storefront (store visitors will not be able to see it and will get a 404 page not found error if trying to access the product via a direct link).
Product stickers: Use this field to select stickers for the product to display on the storefront. Read more about product stickers here.
Membership to assign to product purchaser: Select if you grant a store membership to your customer on buying this product. Read more about paid memberships here.
Membership duration: Select the paid membership duration in this field. Read more about paid memberships here.
Prices & Inventory
Memberships: Select the membership levels to which this product should be available. Non-members and users of other membership levels will not see the product on the storefront. For more info on memberships in X-Cart, see User Membership Levels.
Coupons: Select coupon(s) that apply to the product. See guides on coupon creation here.
Tax class: Define the tax class to which the product belongs (i.e., what taxes should apply to the product). For more info on tax classes, see Setting up tax classes.
Price: Define the product base price.
Market price: Use this field to set a product market price showing the difference between the product price offered in your store and the average price of this product on the market. See more info about the market price here.
Sale: Use this field to put the product on sale. After enabling the "Sale" option, you will be able to specify either a sale price for the product (expressed in the store currency) or a discount (expressed as a percentage of the product base price). Read more about sale options here.
NOTE: Can't be used with global discounts. Enabling this option for a product cancels any possible discounts set previously.
Apply product-specific discount to wholesale price: This toggle allows to include the wholesale prices into a sale offer set above.
NOTE: The offer will only be valid for wholesale prices if the discount amount is set in percentages.
Cost price: Use this field to set a product cost price if applicable. Read more about this feature here.
Global discounts: This field allows the application of a sale offer to a product (e.g., to add a new product to a group of products put on sale or to delete a product from such a group)
NOTE: Can't be used with individual sale offers. See the Sale field described above.
Arrival date: This field allows you to specify when the product will be available in your store. On its own, the information entered in this field serves purely informational purposes, but X-Cart add-ons may employ it.
NOTE: For example, if used with the Product Advisor add-on, you can mark specific products in your catalog as "Coming soon" and publish their expected arrival date on the storefront. The status of such products will automatically switch to "New arrival" on the date they become available.
Inventory tracking: The toggle allows to enable the inventory tracking feature for this product. With the inventory tracking feature, you can specify the number of product units you initially have (using the "Quantity in stock" field; see below). Your X-Cart store will then track all the purchases of the product. Every time someone buys the product, the number in the "Quantity in stock" field will be reduced automatically by the number of units that have been purchased. If you have a stock refill, you edit the value in the "Quantity in stock" field, increasing the value by the number of units you require. As a result, you can tell how many units of the product you have in stock at any time. If the product quantity is unlimited and does not need tracking, the "Inventory tracking" toggle can be disabled.
Quantity in stock: Use this field to set the inventory level (the number of product units in stock). The value specified in this field is used for the "Inventory tracking" feature.
Available for backorder: Use this field to specify that the current product can be purchased even when it is out of stock. After enabling the "Available for backorder" option, you will also set a backorder label for the product and limit the backorder quantity (see below). Read more about this feature here.
Backorder label: This field is only available if the "Available for backorder" toggle is enabled. It allows you to add a message regarding the backordering of the current product, which your store visitors will see attached to this product in product lists and on the product page when the product is out of stock. You can insert the number of units available for backordering into this message using the "%number%" placeholder; for example: "You can backorder up to %number% items."
Limit the backorder quantity: This field is only available if the "Available for backorder" toggle is enabled. It allows you to specify that only a limited number of products can be purchased on backorder and set the maximum limit via the "Max. backorder quantity" field (appears when the "Limit the backorder quantity" toggle is enabled).
Weight: Product weight. If the product requires shipping, this setting may affect the calculation of the order shipping cost.
Requires shipping: Whether this product requires shipping. This setting affects the calculation of order shipping costs. (If the product does not require shipping, the shipping cost will not be calculated).
Freight: This field is enabled by the "Free Shipping and Shipping Freights" add-on. Read more info about the add-on here.
Free shipping: This field is enabled by the "Free Shipping and Shipping Freights" add-on. Read more info about the add-on here.
Exclude from shipping cost calculation: This field is enabled by the add-on Free Shipping and Shipping Freights. Read more info about the add-on here.
Separate box: The checkbox defines whether the product needs to be shipped separately from other products. If you enable shipping this option for a product, you can also specify the box dimensions and the maximum number of product units that fit in this box. This setting affects the calculation of the order shipping costs.
Length x Width x Height (in): Set the box dimensions.
Maximum items in box: Specify the number of items allowed for shipping in one box.
Open Graph meta tags: The custom META tags for sharing the product page on Facebook. See more info about the feature here.
Meta description: The description used in the description META tag on the product page (for SEO purposes). Read how it works here.
Meta keywords: The keywords used in the keywords META tag on the product page (for SEO purposes). Read how it works here.
Product page title: The title used in the title bar of this product details page (for SEO purposes). Read how it works here.
Clean URL: The product page's clean URL (human-readable SEO-friendly URL, typically based on the product name). The URL can be configured manually (by editing the field contents directly) or generated automatically (by enabling the "Autogenerate Clean URL" option below before saving the product). If the Clean URLs feature is disabled, you will need to activate it for the SEO-friendly page URLs to become available to store visitors. For more info, see Setting up SEO-friendly URLs.
Add to Facebook product feed: This toggle allows the inclusion of the product into a feed sent to Facebook.
Add to Google product feed: This toggle allows the inclusion of the product into a feed sent to Google.
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