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Advanced Product Details

Learn what other product details you can configure and why?

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

Advanced product details are the features that extend the basic set of properties with extra core and add-on functionality. Basic product properties are defined in the Info tab of the product details page. The rest of the tabs appear when the primary product info is configured and form advanced product details, depending on the number and tools on the add-ons enabled in your store.

We recommend checking the tabs available in your online store, deciding on the tools you need to make sales, and adjusting the add-ons enabled in your store accordingly.

Here, for example, is the default set of tabs available in X-Cart Platform v5.5.0.x.

  • Attributes: The core attribute feature that allows configuring and managing product-specific, global, and hidden attributes. Read more about the feature here.

  • Variants: The extra tool enabled by the Product Variants add-on that allows configuring and managing product variants. Read more about the feature here.

  • Inventory Tracking: The advanced inventory tracking tools that extend the default product counting enabled in the basic product properties. Read more about the feature here.

  • Related Products: The extra tool enabled by the Related Products add-on that allows setting product recommendations for customers for cross-selling/upselling purposes. Read more about the feature here.

  • Product Reviews: The extra tool enabled by the Product Reviews add-on that allows collecting and managing product rates. Read more about the feature here.

  • Tabs: The extra tool enabled by the Custom Product Tabs add-on that allows adjusting product details representation in the storefront. Read more about the feature here.

  • Feed Categories: The extra tool provided by the Product Feeds add-on that allows you to organize your products into categories specific to comparison shopping sites (in addition to the categories you use on your website). Read more about the feature here.

  • Wholesale Pricing: the extra tool enabled by the Wholesale add-on that allows configuring special prices depending on different purchase quantities and user membership levels. Read more about the feature here.

  • More: A tab that extends the header menu with all extra tabs not fitting into the screen.

    • PIN Codes: The extra tool enabled by the PIN Codes add-on that facilitates selling stuff like licenses, enrollment keys, PIN codes, serial numbers, activation codes and passwords, phone cards, and access codes. Read more about the feature here.

    • Attachments: The extra tool enabled by the File Attachments add-on that allows extending the basic product description with files available for uploading in the storefront. Read more about the feature here.

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