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Configuring Product Reviews

Learn how to configure the general settings of the Product Reviews add-on.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

To set your preferences for the Product Reviews add-on:

  1. Locate the Product Reviews add-on in the My Apps list of your X-Cart App Store and click the Settings link:

    The Product Reviews add-on settings page will open:

  2. Adjust the add-on settings:

    • Who can leave feedback: Specify the type of store users who should be allowed to add product ratings and reviews.

      • Registered users only

      • Registered users who purchased the product: The order payment status should be Paid or Partially paid. The Partially paid status typically appears on order as a result of a partial refund.

    • Admin moderates all reviews before showing them to customers: Enable this option to have an opportunity to approve and reject reviews for publishing.

    • The quantity of reviews to display: Use this setting to specify the maximum number of reviews displayed in the Reviews section of a product page (under the Reviews tab). If the number of reviews is greater than the number specified here, visitors will read the rest after following the "Read all reviews for the product" link in the lower part of the section.

    • Request customers to review the purchased products after successful orders: Enable this option if you would like a review request to be sent to customers if their order was successful, i.e., paid and delivered (payment status = Paid and fulfillment status = Delivered). For orders that do not require shipping, the fulfillment status is not considered. Such orders are deemed successful as soon as their payment status is set to Paid.

    • How many days later to send a review request: This setting pertains to the previous one and displays when the above setting is enabled. Use it to specify the period (in days) that should pass between updating the status(es) of the order and sending a review request to the customer.

      Important: For the automated sending of review requests to customers, your server must be configured to run scheduled X-Cart tasks.

  3. Click Submit to save the changes.

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