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User Accounts

Learn how to access, view and edit a user account data.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

An X-Cart store can have up to 3 types of user accounts in general - administrator, customer, and vendor (in X-Cart Marketplace edition). Each user has an account that records profile information that may differ depending on the user type. User accounts are bound to the registration emails. Hence each user must have a valid email address they can check to confirm their account and create or reset their password.

A default X-Cart store generally has one root administrator account created during the software installation process. The root administrator account is granted to the store owner by default.

An administrator account gives someone access to the Admin area of your store. A root store administrator can create and import users of all supported user types. Admin accounts with particular roles setup are typically used to grant specific permissions to the staff so they can perform jobs related to their roles without having the ability to change or edit other parts of your store.

A store administrator can check all user-related information in the User List. To access user account details, click the email link in the Login/Email column.

You will see a page like the following:

The Account Details page provides the following profile information:

  • Orders placed: The number of orders placed by this user (with a link to check them on the Orders page)

  • Joined: The account creation date.

  • Last login: The date of the last sign-in.

  • Language: The language used by this user when viewing the site (important for stores that use more than one language).

  • Email: The user login email.

    NOTE: This must be a valid email address, as your store will use it for account verification and password restoration.

  • Password: Current user account passwords are stored encrypted in the database and are not displayed. This field allows changing the current user password. It will also be necessary to confirm the password change. Password must contain at least 8 symbols.

  • Access level: The user access level - administrator or customer.

    NOTE: Vendor accounts are, in fact, a combination of the administrator access level and the vendor role.

  • Roles: Access permissions granted to the account. There can be a set of several access permissions granted to an account.

  • Account status: A store administrator can enable or disable the account and give reasons for this in the field below.

  • Status comment (reason): If applicable, comment on the account status changes. The comments will be visible for the

  • Membership: The membership level currently assigned to the user account (if any). The "Ignore membership" value in the Membership field means the user does not have a membership level assigned.

  • Pending membership: A membership level the users requested.

  • Require to change password on next login: The checkbox allows to force the user to change the account password on the next sign-in.

Vendor accounts also contain the following information:

  • Vendor Income: The amount of money earned by the vendor on sales via the store.

  • Vendor Expense: The amount of money paid to the vendor by the storefront operator.

  • Earning balance: The sum available for a vendor payout. A store admin also has the "View transaction details" link beneath the Earning balance to check the payments done.

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