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Promotional Blocks

Overview of the store site blocks that you can use for marketing and promotion purposes

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 9 months ago

Promotional blocks enable you to enhance the default presentation of your products on the storefront and engage customers in viewing more products than they initially intended.

You can use the New Arrivals, Coming Soon, Bestsellers, or Recently Viewed blocks to help your customers navigate through your catalog better. Stickers displayed on the products in such blocks - with messages like "10% off," "30% less (than the market price)," or any custom text - are sure to gain additional customers' attention. For more info on this, see the following sections:

You can use such features as "Related products," "Featured products," "Customers who bought this product also bought," and "Customers who viewed this product bought" to attract your customers to alternatives or additional items that may supplement the product viewed or added to the shopping cart previously. For information on these, see:

The "Product Tags" block can help your store visitors search for products quicker and easier. In contrast, the "Product Reviews" and "Questions" blocks enable store users to share their experiences and give more product insight to build a strong customer community. For details, see:

It is possible to enable a product carousel for an alternative layout and convenient accessibility of the above-named promotional blocks. For details, see:

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