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Editing Category Details

Learn how to change the properties of an existing category or subcategory in your online store.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 9 months ago

After creating a category or subcategory, you must configure it properly to display all necessary information to your customers.

To edit a category:

  1. Open the Categories page in the store Admin area (Catalog > Categories)

  2. Locate a category you need to edit and click on the category name.

  3. Use the fields in the "Category Info" tab on the category details page to provide information.

    The category properties that you can specify on the details page are as follows:

    • Category name (required): The name by which you and your customers will identify this category.

    • Parent category (required): The category to which this category belongs (if it's a subcategory). If it is a top-level category, let it belong to the root category (This way, it will be displayed on the home page).

    • Show category title: Select if you want the category title to be visible or hidden from customers.

    • Category icon: Use this section to add an image for the category.

      NOTE: X-Cart does not impose strict limitations regarding the size of category images you can upload because it can resize and crop images automatically for best results. You can set the dimensions to which the original image will be resized and cropped in the Images Settings section of your store's Admin area (Design > Images Settings). These dimensions may be different depending on the skin used by your store and can be manually changed if required.
      For more info, see Managing Images.

    • Top banner: Use this section to add a category banner. To edit a banner representation, see How to change the height of the top category banner.

    • Description: A category description that displays on the category details page. To add a video to the category description, use the information provided here.

    • Clean URL: The category page's clean URL (a human-readable SEO-friendly URL, typically based on the category name). The URL can be configured manually (by editing the field contents directly) or generated automatically (by enabling the "Autogenerate Clean URL" option below before saving the category details).

      NOTE: In X-Cart 5.4.x and earlier, if Clean URLs are disabled, you will need to activate the feature for the SEO-friendly page URLs to become available to store visitors. See Setting Up SEO-friendly Clean URLs for information about adjusting clean URL-related settings.

    • Category page title: The title for the title bar of this category details page (for SEO purposes). The category name will be used as a page title if the field is blank.

    • Meta keywords: The keywords for the META tag on the category page (for SEO purposes).

    • Meta description: The description for the META tag on the category page (for SEO purposes).

    • Open Graph meta tags: The custom META tags for sharing the category page on Facebook.

    • Memberships: Membership levels to which this category should be available. Non-members and users of other membership levels will not see the category on the storefront.

    • Product stickers (X-Cart 5.5.x and higher): Use this field to assign a product sticker to all products in this category. To cover subcategory products, enable the Include subcategories checkbox next to the field. You can find more information about product stickers here.

    • Enabled: The toggle defines whether to display the category on the storefront. Disable this option to temporarily remove the category from the storefront (store visitors will not be able to see it).

    • Classes for product filter (X-Cart 5.4.x and earlier): Define what attributes will be included in the product filter block on a category page in the storefront.

  4. Click Update to save the changes.

That's it! Your category has been configured. Now you can populate it with products.

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