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Newsletter Subscriptions

Learn how to install and configure the Newsletter Subscriptions add-on.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over 3 years ago

The Newsletter Subscriptions add-on enables a sign-up form in the footer of your site, inviting your store visitors to subscribe to your newsletters. The add-on is included in all X-Cart editions and comes preinstalled. If it is not, follow the instructions from Installing Add-ons from X-Cart App Store.

The Newsletter Subscriptions add-on enables a subscription form in the site footer where your site visitors can submit their email addresses to subscribe to your store newsletter.


All email addresses submitted via this form are added to your store's list of newsletter subscribers available in the Marketing -> Newsletters section of the Admin area, where the administrator can manage them.

If the default Newsletter Subscriptions add-on is linked to Mailchimp, your X-Cart-based store will no longer list the subscriber email addresses submitted via the subscription form. Still, they will be handled via Mailchimp, provided that your X-Cart store is connected to your Mailchimp account via the add-on settings, and the Mailchimp Integration is appropriately configured.

The Newsletters section of the Admin area allows a store admin to add new emails to the subscription list and export existing subscribers into a CSV file.

To add a new email to the list, click Create button and type in the required email.

To export the subscribers' list, select the required emails from the list and click "Export selected: CSV," or don't select anything and click "Export all: CSV" if you need to export all the emails.

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