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Site News

Learn how to share the company and products news and updates with the community.

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over a week ago

When you need to share the company and products news and updates with your community, use the News add-on facilities.

News Add-on Installation and Setup

To install the add-on, see Installing Add-ons from X-Cart App Store. When installed, proceed to the settings page to configure the add-on.

The settings page allows to define the number of messages in the "Top News" block and per page on the News page in the storefront:

Don't forget to submit the settings to make them active.

News Block Management

News messages are a great way to build a community around your products and notify clients about recent updates.

To add news on the site, open the News Messages page in the store's Admin area (Content -> News Messages) and click the "Add news message" button:

The Add News Message page will open, where you can edit the message details.

  • Date: Set the date when the message becomes visible on the site.

    The upcoming news does NOT display in the News block on the storefront.

  • News title: Add an appealing message title for the News block that summarises the content.

  • Content: Describe the event. This description is displayed on the News details page in the storefront. The WYSIWYG editor allows formatting the contents, adding images and videos, and inserting HTML code.

  • Brief description: This text is displayed in the News block on all the storefront pages.

  • Enabled: This checkbox defines whether the message is active in the storefront.

  • Clean URL: The news message page clean URL (a human-readable SEO-friendly URL, typically based on the news message title). You can configure the URL manually (by editing the field contents directly) or generate it automatically (by enabling the "Autogenerate Clean URL" option below before saving the news message details). If the Clean URLs feature is disabled, you will need to activate it for the SEO-friendly page URLs to become available to store visitors. For more info, see Setting up SEO-friendly URLs.

  • News page title: If you need a different title for the News details, add it here.

  • Meta keywords: Add keywords to describe the news message content shortly and concisely as vital indicators to search engines. Use lower case and commas to separate values.

  • Meta description: Specify whether you want to use an autogenerated or a custom page meta description. The default autogenerated meta description copies the page content. Custom meta description allows adjusting the default value the way you need.

Click Create to add a message to the news list:

If necessary, you can enable/disable, edit or even delete news from the list later.

All enabled up-to-date news display the News block on every storefront page. Following the links in the block, a customer can view the news list and the news details pages.

  • News block

  • News listing

  • News details page

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