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Admin Product Search

Learn how to search for products and to configure filter presets for use in admin

Olga Tereshina avatar
Written by Olga Tereshina
Updated over 3 months ago

Filtering Products as Admin

You can filter the product list in the Admin area by specifying the necessary parameters in the search form.

The basic filter fields allow you to specify the following:

  • one or more keywords for your search (for example, a part of the product title, a part of the product description, etc. You can specify the exact type of data to search for using the Advanced filters; see further below for more information);

  • the category in which you expect to find the product:

    • "Any category" = Finds products regardless of what category they are assigned to.

    • "No category assigned" = Finds only products that do not have a category assigned.

    • Specific category name = Finds only products assigned to the specified category.

  • the product's stock status:

    • "Any stock status" = Finds products regardless of their stock availability.

    • "In stock" = Finds only products that are in stock (with a "Quantity in stock" value above zero).

    • "Low stock" = Finds only products with a stock quantity that has reached the low stock threshold.

    • "Out of stock" = Finds only products that are out of stock (with a "Quantity in stock" of zero).

    • "Backorder" = Finds products from the store's local stock if they have the "Available for backorder/preorder" feature enabled in their settings. If Turn14 Distribution auto integration is used, selecting the "Backorder" filter option also finds products that currently have zero stock in Turn14 Distribution but are available for backorder.

The form contains more fields than are immediately visible. You can expand the form by clicking on the "Advanced filters" arrow to access all the filters.

The fully expanded form looks like this:

Advanced filter fields explained:

  • Keywords: Specify whether you want to search for all the entered keywords ("All words"), any of the entered keywords ("Any word"), or the exact phrase ("Exact phrase").

  • Search in: Specify where exactly you want to search. Select all that apply:

    • "Name",

    • "SKU",

    • "Description",

    • "Barcode",

    • "Mnf part #" (Manufacturer part number),

    • "Tag".

  • Availability: Select the option you require.

    • "Any availability status" = Finds products regardless of whether they are available for sale or not.

    • "Only enabled" = Finds only products that are available for sale.

    • "Only disabled" = Finds only products that are not available for sale.

  • Price: Set a numerical range for the product price. You can specify both the minimum and maximum values to find products within that range (e.g., products priced between $10 and $50). Alternatively, you can enter only a minimum value (to find products priced at or above that amount) or only a maximum value (to find products priced at or below that amount).

  • Arrival date: Specify a date to find products that have an arrival date matching the selected date.

  • Product class: Specify a product class to find products matching the selected class.

  • Stock supplier: Choose the stock source from which the products are available:

    • "All stock suppliers": Finds products regardless of their stock supplier.

    • "My Store": Finds only products that have local stock in your store.

    • Specific stock supplier name: Finds only products that are available from the selected supplier. Multiple product suppliers can be selected by checking the relevant boxes.

  • Brand: Specify a brand name to find products matching the selected brand.

  • Vehicle: The names and order of the fields in this set will depend on your store's MMY configuration. These fields allow you to narrow down products step by step, based on your configured MMY levels. You can stop at any level, meaning you’re not required to complete all steps unless needed.

    For example, if your store’s MMY configuration includes the levels "Make", "Model", "Year" and "Submodel", the Vehicle filter fields will appear in this order:

    Here’s how it works:

    1. You start by selecting a "Make" (e.g., ALFA ROMEO).

    2. Once a specific "Make" is chosen (not "Any Make"), the next field—"Model"—becomes available for selection.

    3. You can then refine your search further by selecting a specific "Model" or leave it as "Any Model" to see all products related to ALFA ROMEO.

    4. The process continues with "Year" and "Submodel," depending on how much detail you want to provide.

    This flexibility allows you to filter products at any level and stop when you’ve refined the results enough for your needs.

NOTE: The set of filters available to you in the search form may differ from what you see in the screenshot above, as it depends on the set of add-ons and features enabled in your store.

To do a product search, click the Search button.

To clear all the filter fields and start anew, use the Clear fields button.

Configuring Filter Presets

For constant use, a store admin can create filter presets to facilitate product search. For this purpose:

  1. Select the required search parameters and click Search to make sure the filter is working as expected.

  2. Click Save filter. A box to enter a name for your new filter will be provided.

  3. Specify the name and click Save.

The newly created filter will be displayed above the search bar. Now you can use it to repeat the search any time you need it.

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