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About Products

General information about product catalog in X-Cart.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 4 months ago

X-Cart product catalog supports different types of products and provides a store admin with several means to populate it. It is possible to create new and clone existing products manually or import product information directly into a database. When creating products manually, product information is defined by editing the product details and advanced product settings.

All products in the product catalog can be managed via the store's Admin area. For example, it is possible to:

If you have many products, there are ways to manage them in bulk. You also can use different product grouping facilities - join them in categories, assign product classes, or tax classes.

If you need to specify product information and none of the standard fields in the product details form are suitable, you can use product attributes or variants. For example, if you sell the same style of T-shirts in different sizes and colors and need to provide buyers with a way to select the size and color they require. It also can be that you need to give a detailed technical device specification for the products in your store so shoppers can filter the catalog and find a device that will best suit their needs.

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